ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Promoting Socialist Political Integrity

  • 摘要: 建设社会主义廉洁政治是总结中国廉洁政治建设历史并借鉴其他国家和地区廉洁政治建设的经验教训得出的科学结论。廉洁政治是社会主义政权和工人阶级政党的本质特征。建设廉洁政治是中国共产党一贯坚持的鲜明立场和政治追求。在新的历史条件下,要把握廉洁政治建设的规律,做到干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明,推进廉洁政治建设。


    Abstract: Promoting socialist political integrity is a scientific conclusion based on the construction history of clean politics in China and the experience and lessons from the construction of clean politics in other countries and regions. Clean politics is an essential characteristic of the socialist regime and political party of the working class. Promoting political integrity is a clear-cut and long-term political commitment and pursuit of the Communist Party of China. Under the new historical conditions, in order to promote the construction of clean politics, we ought to master the rule of promoting political integrity and see to it that officials are honest, the government is clean, and political integrity is upheld.


