ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Comprehensive Approach to Symptoms and Root Causes of Corruption after the Eighteenth National Congress

  • 摘要: 十八大以来通过强力治标把治本做实,可以说治本与治标比翼双飞。以标本兼治推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,应建构有效"管权管事管人"的制度笼子,"管人"是落脚点;应慎防社会公众认知变异,防止"洪洞县里无好官",从历史逻辑出发处理存量;充分发挥党性的反腐功能,确保党规党纪成为"高压线",纪法协同治党,形成"不敢腐"的硬约束、"不能腐"的参照系、"不想腐"的负清单。


    Abstract: The Eighteenth National Congress attaches great importance to the elimination of the root causes through iron-handed implementation of a series of instrumental policies. In order to strengthen the construction of the working style of CPC and build a clean and honest administration, the focus of management should be set on the supervision of power-use, public affairs and public servants, among which human management should be the focal point. It is of great significance to keep the public awareness away from social prejudice that dogs bite in every country. But not the least, the spirit and discipline of CPC should play its due role in the anti-corruption. Discipline and law should be integrated to sublime people from fear of punishment to detestation of corruption in a deficiency-free anti-corruption mechanism.


