Dispute Settlement Regarding Outer Space Activities
摘要: 联合国制定的有关外空条约及原则宣言对和平解决外层空间争端做出了原则性的规定。但这些规定本身存在着一些问题。对于如何构建外层空间活动争端的解决机制存在着不同的构想。各国应当共同努力,在现有的争端解决机制的基础上,对外层空间活动争端 的解决做出补充和完善。Abstract: The Outer Space Treaty made by the United Nations stipulates the guidi ng principles ofpeaceful settlement of disputes in outer space activities. Howev er, these principles remain to be improved due to the deficiencies they have. So far different proposals have been put forward for settling disputes in outer space. Countries worldwide should make a concerted effort to perfect the existin g dispute settlement mechanisms for outer space activities.