ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

与二程相关的几点哲学思想及史料问题之辨析 ——兼评葛瑞汉书中的一些观点

Analysis of Some Philosophical Matters and Historical Data Relevant to Cheng Brothers

  • 摘要: 分析了二程思想倾向之异。程颢主德,追求超越的宇宙人生之道德价值。程颐侧重主知的格物致知,把握事物现象中之必然性。二程的天理(理)既是宇宙中人与物本身皆内在具有的超越的道德性的绝对,又是天地间事物本身客观的自然规律之理。大程的识仁倾向前者,小程的格物注重于后者。文章认为周敦颐、张载、程颢、胡宏等人的性说是性善论的一种,张载有明显的虚、气二元倾向,对《粹言》的编者为谁,及张载和程颐的语录中分别混杂有对方语录等问题作了考辨。


    Abstract: This paper probes into the difference between Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in their thoughts, and concludes that Cheng Hao stressed virtue in pursuit of the transcendental moral values of life, while Cheng Yi emphasized knowledge so as to grasp the nature of physical phenomena, and their universal principle, namely the law of nature, is that both human beings and the world are characterized with the absoluteness of inherently transcendental morality. The author argues that Chou Tun-Yi,Chang Tsai,Cheng Hao and Hu Hung-s theories of human nature fallinto the category of good-naturedness of human beings, among which Chang Tsai-stheory is characterized with dualism between supreme void and ether. The paper attempts to make a textual research into the authorship of the book CUI YAN, and into the problem concerning the ideas of the other in their respective work.


