ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

法国启蒙民权思想与陈独秀资产阶级 民主观的初步形成

On the Relations between French Enlightenment and Chen Duxiu-s Bourgeois Democratic Ideas

  • 摘要: 迫于鸦片战争以后恶劣的国内政治形势,早年的陈独秀怀着救国的理想几次东渡日本。在那里,他接触并认可了法国启蒙民权思想对中国社会改造的指导作用。回国后,通过一系列的革命活动,陈独秀丰富和提升了自身对法国启蒙民权思想的认识,并随之初步形成了自己的资产阶级民主观。


    Abstract: Owing to the terrifying situations at home, Duxiu Chen left his homeland for Japan with strong patriotism, where he learnt about and adopted the ideas of the French enlightenment as a guiding principle beneficial to the reform of the then China-s society. After coming back, he gradually enhanced, in the process of a sequence of revolutionary activities, his comprehension about French enlightenment and eventually put forward his bourgeois democratic ideas.


