ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Private Entity's Liability for the Damages Caused by Outer Space Objects

  • 摘要: 根据公约,外空物体损害赔偿责任主体是国家。将国家作为赔偿的责任主体,主要是考虑到 两个方面的因素:一是国家具备赔偿的经济实力,二是可以因此使国家加强对发射活动的监 督和管理。但实践中却可能遇到难以确定发射国的情况而使受害人面临索赔的困境。就是说 ,公约采取的是"国家负责"的索赔模式。笔者认为这样的模式不利于充分保护受害人并主 张将私人发射者也列为赔偿责任主体,同时不排除国家的责任,应当允许受害人选择赔偿主 体,在该私人主体没有能力赔偿的情况下,受害人可以继续要求发射国作为国家主体进行赔 偿,这个可以称为"连带责任"的模式。这种模式才能更好地实现对受害人的救济和补偿。


    Abstract: According to the Liability Convention, the lunching state is liable fo r the damages caused by outer space objects, so first of all, the victims must f ind out the lunching state so as to present their claims. But in many cases, it is not easy to decide which state is the lunching state. The author suggests tha t if the private entities are also liable for the damages caused by outer space objects in that the liability of the states is not excluded. This is beneficial for protecting the victims.


