ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Theme,Structure and Transformation of China-s Modern Administrative System

  • 摘要: 中国现代行政管理体系包括行政组织体系、行政监管体系、社会管理体系、公共服务体系与行政绩效体系。中国行政管理体系变革的30年历程,主要是围绕打破高度集中的计划管理体制、转变政府职能和建立宏观调控体系、优化政府结构、提高行政效能四大主题展开的。在此过程中贯穿着五条主线,即机构改革与转变政府职能、干部人事制度改革、中央和地方权限的调整、行政法制建设与规范权力运行以及建设人民满意的政府。


    Abstract: China-s modern administrative system consists of administrative organization system, social management system, public service system and administrative performance evaluation system. The 30-year history of transformation of China-s administrative system has been evoloved around the four themes of breaking the over-centralized planned administrative system, transforming government functions and establishing the macro-control system, optimizing the government structure and enhancing the administrative efficiency. Five main lines stand out through out the entire process: reform of government institutions and transformation of government functions, adjustment of the central and local authority, perfection of administrative legal system, and building of a government that people are satisfied with.


