Calculation Models and Empirical Research on Externality Costs of Airport Noise
摘要: 首先回顾并总结了国内外关于机场噪声外部成本定量测算的方法和研究成果,然后,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,提出了测算机场噪声外部成本的相关模型,同时,选取首都国际机场等6个机场作为实证研究的对象,测算了其2008年噪声产生的外部成本。此外,提出了中国机场噪声治理的政策建议。最后,分析了研究成果的应用领域,并指出了研究的局限性。Abstract: Airport noises have become one of the most important noise pollutions in cities. The essay builds up the models which can estimate the environmental external costs of airport noises by use of HPM method, taking the Capital International Airport and other five international airports as the subjects of empirical research, measures the environmental external costs resulted from the noises in 2008,drawing the conclusion that there are environmental external costs around the airports in China. On this basis, the policies and suggestions are put forward on the internalization of its environmental external costs by implementing airport noises charging.