Selfredemption of Magwitch: a Corpus-based Analysis of Great Expectations
摘要: 应用相关的语料库检索软件,对文坛巨匠狄更斯的名作《远大前程》进行量化分析,从而揭示小说中线索性人物马格维奇自我救赎的心路历程,进一步探讨维多利亚时期新兴有产者个体意识的觉醒,以及他们对传统主流价值和男权社会意识形态的传承。Abstract: This essay mainly focuses on the quantitative results and statistics of Great Expectations, one of the representative novels of Charles Dickens. By applying corpus linguistics tools, the emancipation progress of Magwitch is revealed and the consciousness of this figure is presented.