ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Escaping from the Sense of Guilt: On the Cross-Cultural Insights in Kazuo Ishiguro-s A Pale View of Hills

  • 摘要: 石黑一雄的处女作《群山淡景》是一部构思精巧和充满现实关怀的小说。书中的3条线索表面看似互不相干,在主题层次上却紧密相连。由其多线并行的文本特征入手,揭示出小说巧妙的艺术构思。同时,作者"不带偏见"的跨文化思考为"国际化"写作赋予了新的内涵。作为一名日裔英籍作家,石黑一雄表现出了超越自身民族身份和国家身份的超然立场。他通过一个深受负罪感困扰的女人提出了东西方文化共同面临的道德困境。德国哲学家马丁·布伯阐述的"我与你"的思维方式或可成为人类摆脱这一困境的出路。


    Abstract: Kazuo Ishiguro-s debut novel A Pale View of Hills is considered to be a skillfully written novel and it shows deep concern for reality. The seemingly unrelated three threads are actually woven together by the theme. The present article, beginning with analysis on its multi-thread feature, shows that this is an excellently constructed novel. Besides, the ‘disinterested- cross-cultural insights of the author is another merit of the novel and can be seen as a new connotation of his "international" writing. As a Japanese-British writer, Kazuo Ishiguro in choosing his standpoint succeeds in freeing himself from the limitation of his ethnic and national identity. Through telling a guilt-haunted story Ishiguro presents a moral predicament which confronts both eastern and western culture. Thus "I and Thou" as formulated by the German philosopher Martin Buber provides a possible way out.


