ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Some Food for Thought on Building a Harmonious Relationship between Tutor and Student: Based on an Analysis of Research Literature on Relationship between Tutor and Student in Recent years

  • 摘要: 导生关系是研究生教育的重要基础,建设和谐的导生关系有利于提高研究生教育质量。通过分析近年来关于导生关系的文献资料,指出建设导生关系要把握住3个要点:准确界定导生关系的实质、全面分析影响导生关系的因素和把握建设和谐导生关系的重点。


    Abstract: Relationship between tutor and student is an important foundation for graduate education, and to build a harmonious relationship between tutor and student will help improve the quality of graduate education. By analyzing the recent literature on the relationship between tutor and student, the paper points out that the building of relationship between tutor and student must be focused on three main points: define precisely the relationship between tutor and student in real terms, analyze comprehensively the factors that affect the relationship between tutor and student, and grasp the key points in building a harmonius relationship between tutor and student.


