An Evaluation and Comparative Analysis on Scientific Papers Based on ESI: Taking Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an Example
摘要: 利用科学引文数据库进行文献计量分析,可以有效分析科研机构的科研论文产出状况和学术影响力。基于ESI数据库,对北京航空航天大学2000-2010年的高水平科技论文产出数量和质量进行了综合评价,并通过因子分析与其他"985高校"横向比较,从而反映出北京航空航天大学的科研产出状况和竞争实力。结果显示,北京航空航天大学科技论文产出数量稳步提升,而论文的引证影响力较低,工程科学、材料科学和物理学是优势学科,其他学科相对薄弱,整体实力在"985高校"内部处于中下游位置。Abstract: Analysis based on Science Citation Database can reflect scientific papers output and academic influence of a scientific research institution. Based on data from ESI (2000-2010), this paper evaluates the output of high-level scientific papers of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(BUAA), and makes comparisons between BUAA and other "985 Project universities" by factor analysis. The results demonstrate that the number of BUAA's scientific papers has risen steadily, but the citation influence of the papers is still weak. Engineering science, materials science and physics are BUAA's preponderant disciplines, while other disciplines are relatively weak. On the whole, BUAA is at a medium to lower position in "985 Project universities".