Abstract:According to the multi-supported structure feature of high-speed flexible rotor and with the demand of rotor dynamic design, the influence of the bearing looseness on the rotor dynamic was analyzed. The nonlinear vibration response characteristics of the high-speed flexible rotor system were obtained through simulation. The results show that when the working speed of rotor is above the critical speed, the periodic, quasi-periodic and chaos can exist when the flexible rotor working. Furthermore, the influence of location of bearing looseness, value of unbalance and bearing clearance on the vibration response of multi-supported flexible rotor was studied. The analysis results provide theoretical method for dynamic design of multi-supported high-speed flexible rotor system.
Key words:
- high-speed flexible rotor /
- bearing looseness /
- nonlinear vibration /
- dynamic response /
- dynamic design
表 1 结构参数取值
Table 1. Values of structural parameters
参数 数值 m1e1/(g·mm) 10 m2e2/(g·mm) 10 c′2/mm 7×10-4 c′4/mm 4×10-4 c2-c′2/mm 2×10-4 c4-c′4/mm 2×10-4 k1/(N·m-1) 2×105 k2/(N·m-1) 1×104 表 2 挤压油膜阻尼器参数取值
Table 2. Values of SFD parameters
参数 滑油黏度/(Pa·s) 轴向承载长度/mm 轴承半径/mm 数值 1×10-3 90 40 表 3 轮盘不平衡量取值
Table 3. Unbalance value of disk
不平衡量 m1e1/(g·mm) m2e2/(g·mm) 小不平衡量 10 10 大不平衡量 50 50 表 4 支承刚度变化区间
Table 4. Variation range of bearing stiffness
支承刚度变化范围 Ks2/(N·m-1) Ks3/(N·m-1) 支承刚度变化范围小 0~1×105 0~1×105 支承刚度变化范围大 0~1×107 0~1×107 表 5 松动间隙参数取值
Table 5. Parameter values of bearing clearance
松动间隙 c′2/mm c′4/mm c2/mm c4/mm 小松动间隙 1.4×10-3 8×10-4 2×10-4 2×10-4 大松动间隙 7×10-3 4×10-3 2×10-3 2×10-3 -
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