Cooperative generation of phantom radar track using a team of ECAVS based on RGPO
摘要: 基于动力学模型分析了多机协同控制下的航迹欺骗技术,利用配备有电子欺骗技术的电子战飞行器(ECAVs, Electronic Combat Air Vehicles),对敌方的防空系统中的雷达网实施电子攻击行动来达到欺骗干扰效果.对搭载距离拖引干扰(RGPO, Range Gate Pull-Off)技术的ECAVs在防空雷达网中的作战运用及协同策略进行了研究,空间模型包括单架ECAV对单部雷达以及多架ECAV对雷达组网两种情形.基于ECAV、雷达和虚假航迹点三者共线关系,削减搜索空间,解决动力约束下ECAVs轨迹规划约束最优化难题,算法高效快捷,可实时完成ECAVs轨迹规划.Abstract: The technology of track deception for cooperative control of multiple electronic combat air vehicles(ECAVs) was analyzed by kinetics model. ECAVs were used to generate phantom radar tracks in multiple radar air defense network. Two-dimensional analyses of scenarios were provided involving single ECAV deceiving single radar and multiple ECAVs deceiving an integrated network of radars using range gate pull-off (RGPO) deception. According to the collinearity constraint request for ECAV, radar and phantom track, and through reducing finite dimensional searches to one dimensional parameter searches, the proposed algorithms were computationally attractive, and the ECAVs track programming problem under kinematic constraints can be realized real time computations amenably.
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