Design and analysis of flexible fixture for aircraft side panels
摘要: 分析了等曲率和变曲率2类飞机侧壁部件的几何特点以及对柔性装配调姿的功能需求,设计了一种新型的面向大型飞机侧壁部件数字化装配的柔性工装机构;该机构基于精密三坐标定位器对侧壁部件进行装配调姿,可等效为6自由度并联机构,通过4条支撑臂对侧壁部件进行夹持;定位器呈前后2排、前低后高布局,能够实现对侧壁部件空间6自由度位姿调整;对工装机构进行了位姿反解,根据侧壁部件的初始位姿和目标位姿反向求解出各支撑臂的关节变量,并利用计算机仿真模型进行了验证,证明了反解算法的正确性,为侧壁部件调姿运动的精确控制奠定了基础.Abstract: Based on the analysis of two kinds of aircraft side panels and requirements in digital assembly, a novel type of flexible fixture suitable for aircraft side panels assembly was proposed. The fixture based on four accurate 3-coordinate manipulators can be equivalent to a 6-DOF parallel mechanism. Manipulators were aligned in two rows and side panel was supported by 4 protruding arms. By analyzing the mechanism kinematics, reverse solution algorithm was developed. Joints displacement can be calculated from the given initial and final postures of the side panel. Computer simulation model was used to verify the reverse solution. The simulation result shows the accuracy of the algorithm, which provides the technological basis of accurate control for posture alignment of the large side panels.
Key words:
- side panels /
- flexible fixture /
- parallel mechanism /
- posture alignment /
- reverse solution
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