Design and implementation of a novel high-voltage power supply in electron beam welding machine
传统的电子束焊机高压电源电路结构复杂、体积庞大,为此研发了一种新型60 kV/100 mA逆变式电子束焊机高压电源,电路结构简单、电压输出稳定。电源调压电路采用脉宽调制(PWM)技术控制的全桥变换器,使三相整流后的约540 V电压转化为0~500 V幅值可调的稳压直流电,然后经全桥逆变电路逆变为频率为20 kHz方波交流电;升压电路采用变压器串联与倍压整流的方式,将前级20 kHz方波交流电转变为60 kV的直流高压;控制电路采用基于比例积分微分(PID)调节的电压双闭环控制策略,能够使电源实现稳定的高压输出。搭建了高压测试平台对所研制的高压电源进行了测试,结果表明电源高压输出稳定、控制精度高,高压输出纹波与稳定度均能稳定在1%范围内,能够满足电子束焊机的要求。
Abstract:Traditional high-voltage power supply of electron beam welding machine has complicated circuit and huge volume. For improving the property of electron beam welding machine, a novel 60 kV/100 mA high-voltage power supply is developed in this paper. First, the three-phase electric is rectified to 540 V DC voltage. Then The voltage regulator circuit part adopts a full-bridge direct current converter controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM) method to regulate the 540 V DC voltage to adjustable 0-500 V DC voltage. A full-bridge inverter is used to change the DC voltage to 20 kHz AC voltage. Cascade-connected transformers and voltage doubling rectifiers are employed in the high voltage circuit part to achieve the 60 kV high-voltage output. In order to make the high-voltage output more stable, the double closed-loop control system based on proportion integration differentiation (PID) is adopted in the control circuit part. A high-voltage testing platform is established to measure the assembled high-voltage power supply and the test results show that the power supply has stable output voltage and high control accuracy. The ripple factor and stability are all in the 1% range, which can meet the requirement of electron beam welding machine.
表 1 高压电源负载测试数据
Table 1. Testing data of high-voltage power supply with load
电压设置/kV 电压反馈/V 电压测量/kV 电流测量/mA 0 0 0 0 5 -0.51 -5.02 12.61 10 -1.01 -10.21 25.42 15 -1.50 -15.12 37.74 20 -1.99 -19.89 49.60 25 -2.51 -25.13 62.49 30 -3.00 -30.02 75.01 35 -3.47 -34.59 86.52 40 -4.01 -40.15 100.39 45 -4.55 -45.22 113.20 50 -5.02 -50.35 126.01 55 -5.53 -55.31 138.32 60 -6.01 -60.31 150.68 -
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