- 深度置信网络(DBN) /
- 态势评估 /
- 半监督学习 /
- 网络拓扑结构 /
- 密度峰值聚类
Abstract:Considering the difficulty in parameter setting, weakness of traditional situation assessment methods in processing and feature extraction of big data, feature of air combat data, applications of deep belief network (DBN) to close-range air combat situation assessment are discussed. A sample library of combat situation was constructed. The data were clustered using density peaks algorithm, and the results were revised by specialists of air combat and traditional functions. Then the model of deep belief network was constructed. According to the standard of test and reconstruction error, the network topology structure and optimal parameters were determined. The model was trained by the data from the sample library. Experimental results show that the model's situation classification accuracy reaches to 92.7%, and its running time meets the application requirements. Analysis of the practical example verified the feasibility of the DBN model.
表 1 空战参数
Table 1. Parameters of air combat
参数 值域 目标方位角λ/rad [0, π] 目标进入角ψ/rad [0, π] 速度矢量夹角η/rad [0, π] 两机距离r/km [0, 10] 两机速度平方差Δv2 我机速度vR 两机高度差Δh/m [0, 18 000] 我机高度h/m [0, 18 000] 表 2 不同深度训练结果
Table 2. Training result of different depth
网络深度 测试错误率/% 训练时间/s 1 10.12 266.758 7 2 9.46 431.971 7 3 8.72 578.341 0 4 8.40 933.181 1 5 9.88 1 269.745 0 表 3 3种算法效果对比
Table 3. Effect comparison of three algorithms
算法 训练集正确率/%(正确样本/训练样本) 测试集正确率/%(正确样本/测试样本) 运行总时间/s 单组数据运行时间/s 内存占用率峰值/% BP神经网络 87.88 86.5 21.553 7 0.010 4 1.62 支持向量机 89.50 89.1 15.482 9 0.004 1 0.82 DBN 93.01 92.7 23.105 9 0.011 5 1.99 -
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