Citation: | MA Yanhong, LIU Haizhou, DENG Wangqun, et al. Vibration response analysis of rotor system with initial thermal deformation[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(2): 227-233. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Uneven temperature distribution of an aero-engine during hot restart can lead to initial thermal deformation of its rotors, which causes excessive engine vibration, or even a start-up failure. In view of the problem, this paper takes a typical rotor in aero-engines as an object, establishes its dynamic equation based on the effects of thermal deformation on vibration, and analyzes the effects of thermal deformation on vibration response of rotor system through modal coordinate transformation. The results show that thermal deformation is equivalent to additional excitations acting on the rotor, that is, initial shaft bow excitation, additional unbalance excitation and additional gyroscopic moment excitation, all of which are synchronous with the rotating speed. Moreover, the amplitude of unbalance and gyroscopic moment excitation is related to the rotating speed, therefore influencing rotor vibration response at different critical speeds to an equivalent extent, while that of initial shaft bow excitation is not related to the rotating speed and the response of low-order critical rotating speeds is more affected.
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