Citation: | SHANG Lihong, TAN Te, ZHOU Miet al. Time windows distribution algorithm for real-time harmonic-period partition system on uniprocessor platform[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(1): 43-49. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Recently the avionics system is quickly transferring to integrated modular architecture. To prevent the mutual interference between different applications, IMA software usually adopts partition mechanism. Due to the "time partition", the traditional real-time schedulability analytical method is not applicable. This paper researches a class of special partition system, which is called harmonic-period partition system on uniprocessor platform. This paper gives the formalized definition of harmonic-period partition system and the necessary and sufficient condition of schedulability of tasks in harmonic-period partition system. On this basis, this paper proposes an algorithm, which is called time windows distribution algorithm. This algorithm distributes multiple time windows for each partition in the main time frame. This algorithm must be able to find a feasible schedule table for a harmonic-period partition system if this system is schedulable theoretically, and all tasks in partitions will not timeout if the global scheduler schedules partitions according to this schedule table. The algorithm proposed in this paper can be applied to practical engineering.
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