Citation: | ZHU Ridong, YANG Xiaoyuan, WANG Jingkaiet al. Convolution representation-based object tracking algorithm in Fourier domain[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(1): 151-159. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
A novel object tracking algorithm based on convolution representation in Fourier domain is proposed for object tracking. Object tracking question can be treated as a convolution representation model. By finding the best filters, which reconstruct the target function with minimum loss, fast and robust object tracking can be realized. When the optimal multi-channel convolution representation model is mapped to the Fourier domain, it is equal to solving the least squares solution to linear equations. First, all solutions of the system of linear equations can be expressed through the theory of pseudo inverse, which provide a general format of convolution filters. Then, filters updated in the previous frame and feature templates extracted from current frame are used to generate current filters, and the pseudo inverse can be obtained fast through the full rank algorithm. Finally, tracking filters are updated and applied in both translation and scale. Experimental results on the object tracking benchmark (OTB) database show that our algorithm performs better than some state-of-the-art tracking methods in terms of accuracy and offers a general format to design filters.
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