Citation: | WANG Yanzhong, LI Fei, CHEN Yanyan, et al. TC4 shot peening simulation and experiment[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(9): 1723-1731. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
In view of the current research status on the finite element simulation study of shot peening, such as the projectiles' regular arrangement and the peening coverage cannot be calculated precisely, a finite element model with multiple randomly distributed shots whose number depends on the peening coverage was secondarily developed with ABAQUS, in which accurate number of required shots under different working conditions and different peening coverage is calculated. The influence of peening parameters on the surface residual stress and the surface roughness of TC4 titanium alloy material was studied. The TC4 shot peening experiment was carried out, residual stress distribution and surface roughness obtained by experiment were compared with those by simulation, and the results verified the reasonable prediction of residual stress distribution and surface roughness by the model, which has certain guiding significance for the determination of shot peening process parameters.
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