Citation: | ZHAO Jing, GUAN Xin, LIU Haiqiaoet al. A new conflict evidence decision method and its application[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(9): 1838-1847. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Research on conflict evidence decision methods is an important research topic of evidence theory. In view of the existing problems in the evidence theory improvement process, such as large computational complexity, unreasonable normalization process and unsatisfactory evidence combination, this paper proposes a method based on quadratic combination for conflict evidence decision-making. Firstly, the paper proposes a new flowchart of conflict evidence decision method based on quadratic combination. Secondly, a new multiplicative normalization rule is proposed, and a new multiplicative normalization rule is analyzed by example to verify its rationality. Finally, the shortcomings of the existing conflict measurement function are analyzed, a new conflict measurement function is proposed, and the rationality of the conflict measurement function is analyzed. Through the analysis of examples and the comparison with the existing evidence combination rules, it is shown that the proposed method not only improves the calculation amount, but also improves the combination results.
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