Citation: | ZHAO Yanpeng, WU Minglei, LIU Heqing, et al. Windblast performance of pilot helmet-mounted night vision goggle system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(1): 79-86. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
High-speed windblast experiments of pilot helmet-mounted night vision goggle system were carried out to study its aerodynamic characteristics and the forces on human cervical vertebra, and to evaluate the influence on the safety of ejection life-saving, so as to provide a basis for the design and use of helmet-mounted night vision goggle system. The test was carried out by an open wind tunnel called high-speed windblast test platform. The ejection seat was fixed in front of the tunnel nozzle, and the HYBRID Ⅱ dummy was fastened on the ejection seat with anti-gravity suit, helmet with night vision goggles and oxygen mask. Taking 850 km/h as the starting speed, we adjusted the speed in turn according to the principle determined by the experimental design. The night vision goggles had lower and upper state, which corresponded to working and non-working state respectively. The helmet-mounted night vision goggles wearing state during the windblast was recorded by a high-speed camera, and the force and torque of the lower cervical vertebra of the test dummy were measured. The high-speed camera and force and torque measuring system used the time benchmark set by the windblast test system to achieve synchronous measurement. A total of ten tests were carried out, in five of which the night vision goggles were blown off the helmet, and in another five of which they were not. The force and torque curves of the cervical vertebra, and the time and trajectory of the goggles blown off were obtained in each test. According to the test criterion, the blowing speeds do not exceed 850 km/h. Compared with the helmet without night vision goggles, the windblast performance of helmet-mounted night vision goggles is relatively reduced. The cervical torque exceeds the standard when the speed is more than 800 km/h, 700 km/h is the critical point and 600 km/h is qualified. It is recommended to limit the windblast performance envelope of helmet-mounted night vision goggle system to 600 km/h.
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