Citation: | ZHU Yongwen, PU Fan. Principle and application of airspace spatial grid identification[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(12): 2462-2474. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
At present, in the related researches of airspace spatial finite element, the construction of a grid identification system for airspace space is an important foundation for applying information technology to airspace management and promoting airspace digitization. Based on the US military's global regional reference system and general geographic location reference system, this paper proposes a reference system that has the ability to identify both plane and three-dimensional spatial positions. By establishing a recursive system in the space below a specific height above the earth's surface, the airspace space is divides into several spatial grids. Grid at different scales is not only a geographic spatial position reference system, but also a basic airspace body that composes the airspace, which means to realize spatial position reference and spatial position calibration. The mixed expression of airspace provides an underlying model for the development of digital airspace management.
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