Citation: | YAN Zhipeng, CAI Xingquan, YANG Bo, et al. A multi-model centralized storage method for embedded system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(12): 2414-2425. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
The software safety is important factor in our daily life, model-driven software development gains more and more attention. For the existing integration barriers of cross-domain models, we popose a method based on meta-modeling techniques, which is applied for extracting multi-perspective model information. In order to provide a solution for model checking in the design phase, we elaborate a methodological framework for model element parsing and integration description file generation for three modeling languages: AADL, SysML and Simulink. The experiment shows that the model warehouse implemented according to the proposed method can accurately extract the integration-related information between models from different perspectives, with over 90% coverage rate of element number under the condition that it can be properly stored and queried.
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