Citation: | LIU Rui, BAI Junqiang, QIU Yasong, et al. Steady blowing control at wing-engine junction of airliner[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(1): 132-146. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
For airliner with a wing-mounted engine layout, in order to ensure ground clearance, the pylon has to be short, which leads to a slat cutout, and the nacelle wake of the engine generates low energy flow and even flow separation on the upper wing surface. Numerical simulation method has been used to systematically study active flow control technology at wing-engine junction of airliner to improve the aerodynamic performance of the landing configuration. The influence of the blowing parameters on blowing performance was studied using the wing-nacelle configuration. The results show that, at high angles of attack, blowing can suppress the separation of the upper surface of the wing behind the nacelle, and the maximum lift coefficient can be significantly improved. Since the width of the blowing slot and the blowing mass flow rate influence the total pressure of blowing air, they show great effects on the blowing performance with the improvement of the lift coefficient of more than 0.05. The angle between the blowing slot and the upper wing surface affects the area of blowing energy, making a considerable effect on the blowing performance. The position of blowing slot affects the control range of the blowing air, which also has some effects on the blowing performance. Finally, the full-body configuration with and without nacelle vortex fins were studied respectively. For the configuration without nacelle vortex fin, the lift coefficient of the linear segment increases by about 0.15, the maximum lift coefficient increases by 0.186, and stall angle of attack increases by 1°. For the configuration with nacelle vortex fin, the lift coefficient of the linear segment increases by about 0.13, and the maximum lift coefficient increases by 0.16.
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