Citation: | LIU Guotian, BAI Wentao, PAN Jiangli, et al. Numerical simulation of shell-side gas flow of airborne hollow fiber membrane module[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(3): 544-550. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Hollow fiber membrane module used for airborne inerting has the advantages of high separation efficiency, security, stability and compact structure. It is a relatively economic and efficient equipment of aircraft fuel tank inerting. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is used to simulation shell-side gas flow of hollow fiber membrane module. By changing the gap, entrance velocity, rate of flow, arrangement mode of membrane tow and flight height, the gas flow distribution of the axial sections of component under different working conditions is obtained. The dimensionless parameter sectional average velocity ratio is put forward to describe gas flow distribution rule. The simulation results show that sectional average velocity ratio decreases at first and then increases with the decrease of the gap when entrance velocity is constant, and reaches the minimum when the gap is 1.5 times of the radius of membrane tow, and shell-side gas flow has the same rule with constant rate of flow. When the gap is constant, sectional average velocity ratio of uniform distribution is lower than that of non-uniform distribution. With constant the gap, entrance velocity has little effect on sectional average velocity ratio. The effect of flight height on the shell-side gas flow of the module is mainly reflected from the inner wall of the membrane module.
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