Citation: | ZHANG Xuhao, NIU Baoning, GONG Tinget al. Account-based blockchain scalable storage model[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(4): 708-715. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Blockchain data is growing linearly, eventually reaching a point where single node cannot provide sufficient storage capacity, and resulting in storage scalability problems. Although the light node model greatly reduces the demand for storage capacity, it also leads to a reduction in full nodes and decentralization, which threaten the security of blockchain networks. At present, there is no mature and scalable storage solution proposed for account-based blockchains. Considering that the access frequency of state data is much higher than that of block data, this paper proposes the scalable storage model for account-based blockchain (SSMAB). SSMAB saves state data in a completely redundant manner to guarantee its transaction verification function, stores block data via sharding storage to reduce redundancy, and adopts an economic incentive mechanism to ensure data availability while reducing storage consumption. Experiments show that SSMAB can ensure data reliability and availability, while reducing storage data volume to 13% of the full node model.
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