Citation: | GUO Qi, SHEN Xiaobin, LIN Guiping, et al. Numerical simulation of icing on aircraft rotating surfaces[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(11): 2259-2269. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Based on Shallow-Water icing thermodynamic theory, an unsteady icing model is developed to simulate icing on three-dimensional rotating surfaces. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithms are adopted to numerically solve the governing equations of unsteady processes of surface icing. This method is used to calculate the simplified rotating blade model, and the results are compared with those of FENSAP, verifying the accuracy of the model. Then the effect of the rotation speed, droplet diameter and liquid water content on the rotating surface water film flow and icing shape is investigated. Results show that as the rotation speed increases, the deviation of the icing range and the water film coverage becomes more obvious. With the increase of the droplet diameter, the icing range and the water film coverage and thickness gradually increase. The icing and water film thicknesses increase as a result of the increase of the liquid water content, and the water film coverage also increases significantly.
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