Citation: | SHAO Xin, JI Li, ZOU Huaiwu, et al. A parameter calibration method for manipulators based on laser displacement measurement[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(11): 2281-2288. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
The traditional method of robot parameter target usually requires an expensive equipment, and the technical realization cost is high, a novel low-cost calibration method for manipulators is proposed, which utilizes a laser displacement sensor installed on the end of the manipulator to measure the relative position of the manipulator end with respect to an external cubic reference. A kinematic parameter calibration is designed for a 6 degree of freedom manipulator. Based on single-dimensional measurements, the error function is constructed with combined consideration of plane flatness and plane angles, and further minimized with a nonlinear optimization method to obtain the final calibration results. The proposed method is testified on an experimental system and compared with the calibration by a laser tracker. Results show that this method has similar calibration accuracy to the methods using expensive external measurement devices and provides a handy and cheap solution to manipulator calibration.
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