Citation: | YANG G Y,ZHANG Y,HU L X,et al. Application of inclined slot in airfoil stall control[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(8):2601-2618 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/ |
Airfoil stall is an aerodynamic phenomenon that needs to be considered in the design of wind turbines, and the main reason for stall is that the flow energy in the boundary layer is insufficient to provide sufficient adhesion. This problem can be effectively solved by injecting the high-momentum airflow under the airfoil into the upper separation zone when the airfoil is at a high angle of attack by using the internal slot of the airfoil. This research investigates the effects of two distinct slotted airfoil forms with varying widths on aerodynamic characteristics in an effort to improve the design of slotted airfoils. By observing the flow field diagram of different slotted airfoils and analyzing the flow velocity in and at the outlet of different slotted airfoils, the slotted airfoils with better aerodynamic characteristics can be optimized. In the deep stall environment, the Angle of attack of the optimized slotted airfoil increases by 8°. It has been demonstrated that the slotted airfoil can enhance the aerodynamic properties of the airfoil at larger angles of attack, as its aerodynamic performance has significantly increased when compared to the original airfoil.
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