Citation: | SONG X G,JIN J,ZHANG M Q,et al. Turbulence-radiation interaction in turbulent jet flame based on large-eddy simulation[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(8):2667-2676 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/ |
In large eddy simulation (LES), the influence of subgrid-scale turbulence-radiation interaction (SGS-TRI) on the radiative source term for Sandia Flame D and the scaled Sandia flame D (Flame 4D) was studied. The transport probability density function (TPDF) method was used to simulate the turbulence combustion, and the spherical harmonics (P1 approximation) method and the weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model (WSGGM) were employed to simulate the radiation heat transfer. The optically thin fluctuation approximation (OTFA) of the turbulent vortex group was applied for processing the filtered absorption term, and different methods considering or omitting the SGS-TRI were used for solving the filtered emission term. The results show that the SGS-TRI has a relatively large effect on the time-averaged radiation source term (up to 25%) only in areas where the source term itself is small. The radial distributions of the time-averaged temperature and CO2 concentration calculated by considering and ignoring the SGS-TRI largely overlap (The relative difference is less than 3%). Therefore, the influence of SGS-TRI on the non-sooting turbulent jet flames (Flame D and Flame 4D) is small.
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