Citation: | ZOU Y B,LI T,CHEN M,et al. Indoor spatial layout estimation model based on multi-task supervised learning[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3327-3337 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/ |
Indoor spatial layout estimation is currently one of the research hotspots in the computer vision field. It plays a crucial role in object detection, augmented reality, and robot navigation. This paper proposed an indoor spatial layout estimation method based on multi-task supervised learning to efficiently perceive the layout relationship of indoor scenes. This method could extract the spatial segmentation map of indoor scenes in an end-to-end manner. According to the segmentation characteristics of indoor layout images, an encoder-decoder network structure was designed, and multi-task supervised learning was introduced to obtain the indoor spatial layout and the semantic edge results of each region. The joint loss function was defined to continuously optimize the segmentation effect during the model training. In order to better express the layout relationship between regions, the edge prediction results of each region were used to locally refine the output of the network model, so as to infer the final spatial layout of indoor scenes. Experiments on the public datasets LSUN and Hedau show that the proposed method can effectively optimize the effect of indoor spatial layout estimation and obtain 7.54% and 7.08% pixel errors respectively, which is better than the comparison method in general.
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