Citation: | WU Z Y,GAO Z X,CHEN X M,et al. Mach number effect in shock-wave/turbulent-boundary-layer interaction flow[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3484-3494 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/ |
The shock-wave/turbulent-boundary-layer interaction (SWTBLI) phenomenon will result in complex flow structures. Direct numerical Simulation (DNS) studies of compressible corner flow under freestream mach number 3, 5, 11 conditions have been carried out to further explore supersonic/hypersonic SWTBLI flow mechanisms. It is found that SWTBLI causes a significant increase of turbulence fluctuation in the interaction zone, and such influence is further enhanced with the increase of freestream Mach number. Higher Mach numbers also make variations in pressure and temperature in the upstream turbulent boundary layer more noticeable. In addition, the compressible effect is also significantly enhanced by SWTBLI. Terms associated with compressible effects, including the pressure dilatation and dissipation terms, are no longer insignificant in the interaction zone and the upstream boundary layer (in the case of hypersonic travel). Furthermore, commonalities of SWTBLI-induced mean and RMS wall pressure distribution are observed. Both mean and RMS wall pressure increase rapidly through the interaction zone until reaching their peak values. Distribution of RMS wall pressure along streamwise direction shows two peak value points when a large separation zone forms, which are closely related to the mean separation point and mean reattachment point, respectively.
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