Citation: | SUN Jingyun, LIU Rongke, HU Yingmenget al. A random multi-user access method with unequal protection[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017, 43(12): 2449-2456. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
The throughput performance degrades under high traffic loads when massive bursty users have access to the satellite. To solve this problem, a random multi-user access method with unequal protection was proposed. Several copies of a packet were created and sent during different time slots according to a selected degree distribution. The random access procedure could be described by a bipartite graph. By using successive interference cancellation (SIC), collided packets can be recovered instead of abandoned. In addition, a portion of time slots in each frame were selected exclusively for high-priority users to improve the decoding probability of high-priority data packet. An analysis using standard "and-or trees" theory was introduced. Further, the proposed method was verified with experimental simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed random multi-user access method, compared with traditional ALOHA protocol, effectively avoids the throughput degradation caused by impact under low traffic loads. Compared with IRSA protocol, it enhances high-priority users' throughput under high traffic loads.
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