Citation: | ZHAO Yanlin, YANG Shaoshuai, YAO Junet al. Experimental study on erosion-corrosion of 304 stainless steel under two-phase flow condition[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(8): 1504-1511. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
In this study, the erosion-corrosion of 304 stainless steel was investigated by liquid-solid two-phase jet impingement experiment, combined with the electrochemical measurement. The influence factors of different impact angles (45°, 60°, 90°), erosion time and fluid properties (with or without chloride ion) on erosion-corrosion of 304 stainless steel were studied. The results show that the chloride ion in the simulated seawater (mass fraction of NaCl is 3.5%) can significantly promote the erosion of the material. Under 45° impact angle, the promoting effect of erosion-corrosion due to the chloride ion is the most significant, followed by 90° and 60° impact angles. The metallographic microscope image shows the effect of erosion time on the surface morphology of the sample. The electrochemical test shows that, at the three different impact angles, the material passivation film becomes incomplete with increasing erosion time. The incomplete passivation film is the main reason for the decrease in corrosion resistance of stainless steel material.
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