Citation: | HAO Jingwei, PAN Limin, LI Rui, et al. Low redundancy feature selection method for Android malware detection[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(2): 225-232. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
A low redundancy feature selection method for Android malware detection is proposed to solve the problem of feature redundancy caused by excessive attention to features with the same frequency distribution between classes. First, the method selects features with frequency distribution bias by Mann-Whitney test, and then quantifies the degree of bias and feature appearance frequency by the appearance ratio interval algorithm to reject features with low bias and low use frequency in the overall software. Finally, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is combined with model detection effect to obtain the optimal feature subset. Experiments were conducted using public datasets DREBIN and AMD. The experimental results show that 294-dimensional features were selected on the AMD dataset, and the detection accuracy of the six classifiers is improved by 1%-5%, 295-dimensional features were selected on the DREBIN dataset less than 4 comparison methods, and the detection accuracy of the six classifiers is improved by 1.7%-5%. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method can reduce the redundancy of features in Android malware detection and improve the malware detection accuracy.
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