Citation: | LIU Gang. Drag and lift acceleration commands rapid calculation and tracking guidance[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(3): 401-411. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
For the gliding flight phase guidance problem of lifting vehicle, a drag and lift acceleration commands rapid calculation and tracking guidance method is proposed. Drag acceleration command is calculated directly by one-dimensional particle kinematics and weighting. By introducing the "virtual target" and "pseudo line of sight angle" concepts, proportional navigation is used in gliding flight phase to give the lift acceleration command. Using the monotonicity of the drag acceleration and the attack angle, the attack angle is used to track drag acceleration command. The bank angle is used to track drag acceleration command in a supplementary way in the early stage. After a given criterion is satisfied, the bank angle switches to track lift acceleration command. The azimuth angle control is realized by changing the sign of the bank angle according the reverse corridor border. The dynamic pressure, heat flow, and overload constraints can be satisfied by specific sensitive parameters design. The proposed method does not need reference trajectory or attack angle profile, and the amount of calculation is small. It can control the terminal velocity and height with high accuracy.
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