Citation: | WAN Bing, HAN Wei, SU Xichao, et al. Carrier-based aircraft departure scheduling optimization based on CE-PF algorithm[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(5): 771-785. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Carrier-deck operation scheduling is a key technology to improve the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers, and the optimization scheduling problem of complex constraints with time, space and resource constraints has been proved to be NP-hard. We study the optimization problem of carrier-based aircraft sortie and departure scheduling, which is abstracted as a zero-buffer hybrid flow shop scheduling model. A mixed integer programming model including aircraft collision avoidance and other constraints is established. Then, a cross entropy-operation profile fitting (CE-PF) optimization intelligent algorithm is proposed to solve the mathematical model. The flowchart of solving algorithm is given. The jobs grouped by heuristic rules are accomplished by the cross-entropy algorithm through Gaussian sampling, the scheduling design of task sorting, operations permutation and constraint checking in the grouped jobs is completed by the operation profile fitting algorithm, and the gap approximation algorithm is used to perform the target value evaluation, elite population selection, sampling parameters update and optimal convergence decision. The simulation results show that the CE-PF algorithm can solve the departure scheduling problem efficiently. The sensitivity analysis shows that the take-off mode and space constraints have a great influence on aircraft sortie efficiency.
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