Citation: | LI Qiuying, LU Minyan, GU Tingyanget al. Construction method of software runtime behavior model for reliability prediction[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(5): 786-794. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Runtime behavior model construction is a component of software runtime model construction oriented to reliability prediction. It provides runtime component-to-component dynamic interaction relationship and state transition probability information for software reliability prediction. Based on Java development platform, a construction method of software runtime behavior model based on non-intrusive monitoring is proposed, including the following steps: obtaining the current runtime architecture model; determining the monitoring objects according to the runtime architecture model; declaring the proxy Bean in the monitoring method; declaring the monitoring Bean to realize the extraction of the dynamic component interaction information; declaring the interface between the proxy Bean and the monitoring Bean; based on the construction algorithm, the runtime behavior model is constructed. Finally, based on the Rainbow-znn software, an example is carried out, which verified the feasibility of this method.
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