Citation: | ZHANG He, MIAO Cunxiao, TANG Youjun, et al. Dynamic obstacle avoidance method for mobile robots[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(6): 1013-1021. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
This paper proposes an autonomous dynamic obstacle avoidance method for omnidirectional mobile robot by introducing velocity repulsion field to solve the existing problems, an improvement from water flow field based artificial potential field obstacle avoidance method. This paper presents a detailed analysis of problems of artificial potential field improved by water flow field, such as a too long avoidance path or avoidance failure caused by the mobile robot moving in front of the obstacles. To solve the above problems, the velocity repulsion field, in line with the relative velocity of the mobile robot and the dynamic obstacle, is introduced in artificial potential field obstacle avoidance method based on water flow field. With the omni-directional mobile robot moving in rear of the obstacles, a safe and autonomous dynamic obstacle avoidance is fully realized. The effectiveness and practicability of the autonomous dynamic obstacle avoidance algorithm are verified through simulation and indoor obstacle avoidance experiment.
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