Citation: | ZHANG Man, XU Zhaorui, SHEN Xiangjunet al. A high-speed spectral clustering method in Fourier domain for massive data[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(8): 1445-1454. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
Spectral clustering is widely used in data mining and pattern recognition. However, due to the high computational cost of eigenvector solutions and the huge memory requirements brought by big data, spectral clustering algorithm is greatly limited when it is applied to large-scale data. Therefore, this paper studies a high-speed spectral clustering method for massive data in the Fourier domain. This method makes full use of the repeatability of data pattern, and uses this characteristic to model in the Fourier domain. To get final eigenvectors, the time-consuming eigenvector pursuitcan be transformed into the selection of the pre-determined discriminant basis in the Fourier domain. The calculation process only needs simple multiplication and addition, so the amount of time for calculation is greatly reduced. On the other hand, due to the characteristics of calculation in the Fourier domain, another advantage of this method is that it can train the samples in batches, that is, only using part of the samples can well estimate eigenvector distribution in the whole data. The experimental results on large-scale data such as Ijcnn1, RCV1, Covtype-mult, Poker and MNIST-8M show that the training time of the proposed method is at most 810.58 times faster than that of algorithms FastESC, LSSHC, SC_RB, SSEIGS and USPEC, on the premise that the clustering accuracy and other indicators are basically maintained, which proves that the proposed method has significant advantages in processing large-scale data.
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