Citation: | Yang Lijun, Wang Xiangdong, Liao Shengjie, et al. Effect of heptane-to-brim of pool distance on water mist fire suppression[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008, 34(10): 1139-1142. (in Chinese) |
[1] GA400-2002,气体灭火系统及零部件性能要求和试验方法[S] GA400-2002, Performance requirements and method of test for components of gas fire extinguishing systems[S](in Chinese) [2] GB4351-1997,手提式灭火器通用技术条件[S] GB4351-1997, General specifications for portable fire extinguishers[S](in Chinese) [3] FM5560, Approval standard for water mist system[S] [4] UL2167, Water mist nozzles for fire protection service[S] [5] IMO MSC/Circ 1165, Revised guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms[S]