Multi-classification spacecraft electrical signal identification method based on random forest
- 航天器 /
- 电信号识别 /
- 主成分分析(PCA) /
- 多分类 /
- 随机森林(RF)
Abstract:The spacecraft electrical signal characteristic data have problems such as large amount, high-dimensional features, high computational complexity and low identification rate. The feature extraction method of principal component analysis (PCA) and random forest (RF) algorithm was proposed to reduce the dimensionality of the original data, improve the computational efficiency and identification rate, and achieve rapid and accurate identification of spacecraft electrical signal data. The random forest algorithm has superior performance in dealing with high-dimensional data. However, considering the time complexity, the method of PCA was used to compress the data and reduce the dimension in order to ensure the accuracy of the classification and improve the computational efficiency. The experimental results show that compared with other algorithms, the proposed method shows excellent performance in accuracy, computational efficiency, and stability when dealing with spacecraft electrical signal data.
表 1 训练时间和预测准确率对比
Table 1. Comparison of training time and prediction accuracy
算法 准确率/% 训练时间/s NBM 79.02 KNN 85.43 127.36 SVM 88.23 1 873.80 RF 98.90 189.93 PCA-NBM 81.41 PCA-KNN 94.34 11.33 PCA-SVM 91.59 29.32 PCA-RF 98.33 36.40 -
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