- 结构损伤检测 /
- 碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP) /
- 电阻抗层析成像(EIT) /
- 稀疏正则化 /
- 各项异性
Abstract:Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an emerging method for evaluating the structural state of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). In this paper, the structural damage detection ability of EIT is studied by applying EIT technology to commercial anisotropic CFRP laminated plates. Some damage models of CFRP are established by COMSOL software, and the spatial potential distribution information of three-dimensional field is obtained by finite element analysis. In order to improve the image reconstruction effect of EIT technology on the damage of anisotropic CFRP structure, the embedded electrodes are used to collect the internal electrical signals of the material effectively, and a modified image reconstruction algorithm based on L1 sparse regularization is proposed. In addition, a set of embedded 16-electrode EIT hardware system based on digital multimeter is established. The damage of simple CFRP is detected by EIT system detection platform. The results show that the image reconstruction effect of damaged materials is good, which proves the feasibility of EIT method in damage detection of CFRP structures.
表 1 不同算法的重建图像消耗时间
Table 1. Reconstructed image consumption time of different algorithm
s 损伤类型 Tikhonov CG SpaRSA MSpaRSA 冲击损伤model 1 0.712 0.492 0.051 0.047 冲击损伤model 2 0.665 0.451 0.065 0.047 分层损伤 0.688 0.438 0.062 0.056 裂纹损伤 0.685 0.460 0.085 0.052 表 2 不同算法的重建图像相关系数
Table 2. Reconstructed image correlation coefficients of different algorithms
损伤类型 Tikhonov CG SpaRSA MSpaRSA 冲击损伤model 1 0.405 9 0.352 0 0.829 0 0.952 3 冲击损伤model 2 0.418 1 0.353 9 0.700 3 0.929 8 分层损伤 0.403 2 0.332 8 0.825 2 0.926 8 裂纹损伤 0.069 6 0.119 4 0.200 0 0.462 5 -
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