Abstract:Based on the sparsity or compressibility of the signal, compressed sensing (CS) theory can achieve high-accuracy reconstruction of the signal by sampling a small amount of data. In this paper, CS theory was used for the image reconstruction of electrical capacitance tomography (ECT). First, using the fast Fourier transformation (FFT) basis, the gray signals of original images can be transformed into the sparse signals. Then, the random observation matrix of ECT system was designed by rearranging the rows of the sensitivity matrix of ECT in a random order. Finally, interior point method, gradient projection for sparse reconstruction (GPSR) algorithm and greedy algorithm which are the three commonly used reconstruction algorithms of CS were used for ECT image reconstruction and the comparison was made with linear back projection algorithm and Landweber iterative algorithm. Simulation results indicate that reconstructed images with higher accuracy can be obtained using the ECT image reconstruction algorithm based on CS theory. Meanwhile, the advantages and disadvantages of the three CS image reconstruction algorithms were analyzed. The advice of selecting which type of image reconstruction algorithm was given.
表 1 初始重建图像相对误差
Table 1. Relative error of initial reconstructed image
流型 Er LBP Landweber 内点法 GPSR OMP 流型1 1.405 3 0.793 3 0.807 8 0.590 7 0.798 8 流型2 1.238 3 0.807 0 0.689 1 0.675 2 0.689 3 流型3 1.570 9 0.882 6 0.718 9 0.774 0 0.863 9 流型4 2.002 7 1.020 4 0.892 5 0.883 7 0.938 1 流型5 2.052 8 1.114 7 0.904 1 1.091 0 0.971 5 表 2 初始重建图像相关系数
Table 2. Correlation coefficient of initial reconstructed image
流型 Cc LBP Landweber 内点法 GPSR OMP 流型1 0.616 9 0.769 6 0.813 8 0.874 2 0.737 5 流型2 0.569 3 0.742 3 0.843 1 0.839 0 0.855 8 流型3 0.445 8 0.685 0 0.730 3 0.812 9 0.575 2 流型4 0.357 8 0.603 0 0.662 7 0.728 8 0.551 6 流型5 0.322 8 0.536 6 0.675 2 0.632 2 0.525 6 表 3 后处理重建图像相对误差
Table 3. Relative error of reconstructed image after processing
流型 Er 后处理
Landweber后处理内点法 后处理
OMP流型1 0.854 9 0.339 7 0.392 2 0.277 4 0.425 1 流型2 0.784 5 0.392 2 0.240 2 0.219 3 0.325 2 流型3 0.872 0 0.692 2 0.489 5 0.102 1 0.747 8 流型4 1.258 3 0.640 3 0.517 4 0.408 2 0.822 9 流型5 1.030 8 0.698 2 0.497 6 0.559 0 0.702 0 表 4 后处理重建图像相关系数
Table 4. Correlation coefficient of reconstructed image after processing
流型 Cc 后处理
Landweber后处理内点法 后处理
OMP流型1 0.630 6 0.943 1 0.813 8 0.958 4 0.738 8 流型2 0.696 6 0.920 4 0.966 6 0.972 2 0.938 3 流型3 0.681 9 0.700 6 0.870 6 0.994 1 0.507 8 流型4 0.552 2 0.846 1 0.797 4 0.915 4 0.542 7 流型5 0.500 2 0.716 9 0.819 3 0.799 4 0.663 0 表 5 重建图像所用时间
Table 5. Consumed time of image reconstruction
流型 重建图像所用时间/s LBP Landweber 内点法 GPSR OMP 流型1 0.013 43 4.799 04 8.609 49 2.779 11 0.060 46 流型2 0.014 73 4.585 68 8.791 92 2.623 62 0.043 96 流型3 0.011 82 5.560 35 9.095 21 3.539 22 0.054 18 流型4 0.013 81 5.262 73 9.862 51 4.610 25 0.087 01 流型5 0.015 43 5.040 01 9.932 23 4.735 56 0.119 94 -
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