Abstract:The temperature of water vapor and moist gas will drop greatly in the sonic nozzle, which leads to the condensation and will have a great effect on the measurements. Aimed at the phenomenon of condensation and self-oscillation of sonic nozzle, an experimental condensation apparatus was set up to observe the condensation of moist air in sonic nozzle, and the pressure distribution under different conditions was obtained. To validate and supplement the experimental data, a gas-liquid two-phase flow Eulerian model was established through numerical analysis of influence factors on condensation. The results show that the inlet pressure, humidity and temperature have a great influence on condensation phenomenon. With the increase of humidity and temperature, the location of condensation moves forward and the intensity also increases. With the increase of the inlet pressure, the location of condensation moves forward, while the intensity weakens. The frequency of self-oscillation is positively related to the humidity and temperature, and negatively related to the inlet pressure. The amplitude is positively related to the inlet pressure, humidity and temperature.
Key words:
- sonic nozzle /
- supersonic flow /
- condensation /
- numerical model /
- self-oscillation
表 1 网格独立性测试结果
Table 1. Grid independence test results
参数 网格
(N1×N2)质量流量/(kg·s-1) 相对变化量/% N1变化
N2=120850×120 0.053 020 379 900×120 0.053 027 642 0.013 7 950×120 0.053 028 746 0.002 1 N1 = 900
N2变化900×100 0.053 035 973 900×120 0.053 027 642 0.015 7 900×140 0.053 026 096 0.002 9 -
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