Optimization of discharge chamber key parameters for 10 cm Kaufman xenon ion thruster
放电室构型设计是离子推力器结构设计的基础与核心,直接影响到放电室工作能效及整机工作寿命。针对新型航天器在轨飞行任务对大推力、长寿命连续变推力离子推力器的应用需求,探究了影响10 cm离子推力器整机效能的放电室关键参数因子,揭示了发散场放电室的磁场发散度、电子通道面积及阴极位置等敏感参数对放电室性能的影响作用关系。开展了10 cm离子推力器放电室参数构型的优化与验证。结果表明:在不改变整机结构的情况下,通过优化放电室关键参数,10 cm离子推力器最大输出推力由20 mN提升至25 mN,提升近25%,推力调节范围由1~20 mN扩展至1~25 mN,全范围内推力分辨率均优于50 μN,且推力器在20 mN最佳工作点的阳极电压由43.5 V降至38.4 V,放电损耗由345 W/A降至308 W/A,预估整机寿命将由15 000 h提升至17 500 h。研究为推动10 cm离子推力器的在轨扩展应用提供了一定的技术支撑。
Abstract:Discharge chamber configuration is the foundation and core of ion thruster structure design, which directly influences the working efficiency of the discharge chamber and in-orbit lifetime of the thruster. Aiming at the application requirement of new complex aerospace equipment for ion thruster with long-life, high thrust wide-range and continuous variable-thrust, this research explored the key factors of discharge chamber configuration parameters influencing the efficacy of 10 cm ion thruster, as well as the influence of magnetic field divergence, electron channel area and hollow cathode position and other sensitive parameters on discharge chamber performances. Then optimization of parameter configuration and verification of discharge chamber of 10 cm ion thruster were conducted. The results showed that by optimizing discharge chamber key parameters, the maximum thrust of 10 cm ion thruster increased from 20 mN to 25 mN, 25% higher without changing the mechanical structure of the thruster, which extended the thrust adjustment range from 1−20 mN to 1−25 mN, and enhanced the thrust resolution in the whole range to more than 50 μN. Moreover, the anode potential dropped to 38.4 V from 43.5 V, the discharge loss dropped to 308 W/A from 345 W/A, and the estimated lifetime of thruster will be increased from 15000 h to 17500 h. The above research will certainly provide technical support for the extended in-orbit application of 10 cm ion thruster.
Key words:
- drag-free flight /
- continuous variable-thrust /
- ion thruster /
- wide-range /
- discharge chamber
表 1 放电室关键参数优化前后状态对比
Table 1. Comparison of key parameters of discharge chamber before and after optimization
测试结果 Kd/(°) S/mm2 h/mm 优化前 65 1435 0 优化后 70 1089 3 表 2 推力器性能测试对比
Table 2. Comparison of thrust test results
优化改进 阳极电压
/ (W·A−1)推进剂利用率
/W优化前 43.5 28 13.2 6 20.10 345 55.7 604 优化后 38.4 10 9.8 5 20.11 308 59.6 584 -
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