为满足在役战机隐身性能的快速检测需求,提出了一种基于垂直扫描、方位旋转同步运动的三维成像方法。成像系统主要由射频收发设备、收发天线对、竖直方向导轨、转台和数据处理终端构成。天线发射频率步进信号时,对转台上的被测目标进行水平旋转,同时,收发天线对在垂直方向上扫描被测目标。以点目标组合为例,通过理论分析和仿真计算,确定该成像系统的参数配置,比较不同参数配置下系统的三维成像性能。仿真结果表明:采用垂直扫描、方位旋转同步运动方法能够实现三维成像,该方法与经典圆柱面扫描方法相比,扫描时间可缩短92%,同时保持11 dB峰值旁瓣比率。所提方法具有测试效率高、系统搭建简单、易于调节的特点,为服役阶段的隐身飞机散射源诊断提供了一种有效的测量方法选择。
Abstract:In order to meet the requirements of rapid detection of stealth performance of in-service fighters, a scattering measurement method based on vertical scanning and azimuth rotation synchronous motion is proposed. The vertical guide rail, turntable, data processing terminal, RF transceiver equipment, and transceiver antenna pair make up the majority of the measuring system. When the antenna transmits the frequency step signal, it horizontally rotates the target to be measured on the turntable. At the same time, the transceiver antenna pair scans the target to be measured in the vertical direction. Taking the combination of point targets as an example, the parameter configuration of the measurement system is determined through theoretical analysis and simulation calculation, and the three-dimensional imaging performance of the system under different parameter configurations is compared. The simulation results show that the scattering measurement method of vertical scanning and azimuth rotation synchronous motion can realize three-dimensional imaging. When compared to the traditional cylindrical scanning approach, there is a 92% reduction in measurement time while maintaining the peak sidelobe ratio of 12 dB. The measurement method has the characteristics of high test efficiency, simple system construction and easy adjustment. It provides an effective measurement method for the scattering source diagnosis of stealth aircraft in service.
表 1 不同方式扫描结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of scanning results in different ways
扫描方式 采样时间/min 可分辨最小
(转台角度间隔0.16°)217.08 13 扫描旋转同步运动
(转台角度间隔0.13°)4.3 6 98.02 扫描旋转同步运动
(转台角度间隔0.033°)17.2 11 92.08 -
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