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李明婧 郭志辉

李明婧,郭志辉. 模型燃烧室中值班火焰的燃烧不稳定性分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):951-961 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0274
引用本文: 李明婧,郭志辉. 模型燃烧室中值班火焰的燃烧不稳定性分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):951-961 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0274
LI M J,GUO Z H. Combustion instability analysis of pilot flame in model combustor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):951-961 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0274
Citation: LI M J,GUO Z H. Combustion instability analysis of pilot flame in model combustor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):951-961 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0274


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0274
基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(2017-Ⅲ-0008-0034)


  • 中图分类号: V221+.3;TB553

Combustion instability analysis of pilot flame in model combustor

Funds: National Science and Technology Major Project (2017-Ⅲ-0008-0034)
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  • 图 1  实验系统示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of experimental system

    图 2  值班火焰稳定器截面图

    Figure 2.  Cross section diagram of pilot flame holder

    图 3  压力及热释放脉动峰值

    Figure 3.  Peak pressure and heat release pulsation

    图 4  不稳定工况点的脉动主频率

    Figure 4.  Pulsating main frequency at unstable operating point

    图 5  $ \phi $=0.042时相空间重构结果

    Figure 5.  Time-phase space reconstruction result at $ \phi $=0.042

    图 6  $ \phi $=0.115时相空间重构结果

    Figure 6.  Time-phase space reconstruction result at $ \phi $=0.115

    图 7  火焰平均结构

    Figure 7.  Average flame structure

    图 8  热释放总强度轴向分布

    Figure 8.  Axial distribution of heat release total intensity

    图 9  热释放脉动强度轴向分布

    Figure 9.  Axial distribution of heat release pulsation intensity

    图 10  $ \phi $=0.042时前20阶POD模态能量比例

    Figure 10.  The first twenty POD modes energy proportion at $ \phi $=0.042

    图 11  $ \phi $=0.042时前6阶POD模态空间分布结构

    Figure 11.  Spatial distribution structure of the first 6 POD modes at $ \phi $=0.042

    图 12  $ \phi $=0.042的时间常数频谱分析

    Figure 12.  Spectral analysis of time constant at $ \phi $=0.042

    图 13  $ \phi $=0.084时前20阶POD模态能量比例

    Figure 13.  The first twenty POD modes energy proportion at $ \phi $=0.084

    图 14  $ \phi $=0.084时前6阶POD模态空间分布结构

    Figure 14.  Spatial distribution structure of the first six POD modes at $ \phi $=0.084

    图 15  $ \phi $=0.084的时间常数频谱分析

    Figure 15.  Spectral analysis of time constant at $ \phi $=0.084

    图 16  $ \phi $=0.115时前20阶POD模态能量比例

    Figure 16.  The first twenty POD modes energy proportion at $ \phi $=0.115

    图 17  $ \phi $=0.115时前6阶POD模态空间分布结构

    Figure 17.  Spatial distribution structure of the first six POD modes at $ \phi $=0.115

    图 18  $ \phi $=0.115的时间常数频谱分析

    Figure 18.  Spectral analysis of time constant at $ \phi $=0.115

    图 19  $ \phi $=0.042时火焰周期动态过程

    Figure 19.  Dynamic process of flame cycle at $ \phi $=0.042

    图 20  $ \phi $=0.084时火焰周期动态过程

    Figure 20.  Dynamic process of flame cycle at $ \phi $=0.084

    图 21  $ \phi $=0.084时5.5 ms时刻火焰局部放大图

    Figure 21.  Local magnification of flame at moment of 5.5 ms at $ \phi $=0.084

    图 22  $ \phi $=0.115时火焰周期动态过程

    Figure 22.  Dynamic process of flame cycle at $ \phi $=0.115

    图 23  $ \phi $=0.115时5.5 ms时刻火焰局部放大图

    Figure 23.  Local magnification of flame at moment of 5.5 ms at $ \phi $=0.115

    表  1  实验工况参数

    Table  1.   Experimental working condition parameters

    工况 燃料质量流量/(g·s−1) 空气质量流量/(g·s−1) 当量比$ \phi $
    1 0.179 98 0.031
    2 0.238 98 0.042
    3 0.298 98 0.052
    4 0.357 98 0.063
    5 0.417 98 0.073
    6 0.476 98 0.084
    7 0.536 98 0.094
    8 0.596 98 0.105
    9 0.655 98 0.115
    10 0.715 98 0.125
    11 0.774 98 0.136
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