Abstract:To address he combustion instability of pilot flame in the model combustor, the multi-point dynamic pressure and flame images are experimentally measured in the combustor, and analyzed by means of fast Fourier analysis and proper orthogonal decomposition(POD). It is observed that with the increase of the equivalence ratio, two bifurcations occur with limit cycle oscillations, and the corresponding unstable modes correspond to the third-order and second-order intrinsic longitudinal acoustic modes of the system. The POD results show that the vortex-acoustic frequency lock-in occurs at the longitudinal acoustic mode frequency of the combustor, and the acoustic-vortex-flame coupling instability process occurs in the combustor. On the one hand, large-scale vortex shedding increases sound energy output by altering the flame area and producing severe oscillations in heat release with an increase in equivalency ratio. Conversely, as the angle between two flame branches increases, the main wave direction of the flame position is along the same axis as the main acoustic wave. The modal transition takes place when two factors come into play: the thermoacoustic coupling becomes easier, and the phase angle of the pressure pulsation and heat release pulsation coupling lowers.
表 1 实验工况参数
Table 1. Experimental working condition parameters
工况 燃料质量流量/(g·s−1) 空气质量流量/(g·s−1) 当量比$ \phi $ 1 0.179 98 0.031 2 0.238 98 0.042 3 0.298 98 0.052 4 0.357 98 0.063 5 0.417 98 0.073 6 0.476 98 0.084 7 0.536 98 0.094 8 0.596 98 0.105 9 0.655 98 0.115 10 0.715 98 0.125 11 0.774 98 0.136 -
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